Kia Ora! Welcome to Elijah House New Zealand

What we do

Inner Healing

Luke 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”

The ministry of Elijah House is to equip the church as God’s instrument for sanctification until the church comes into wholeness and transformation.


We run schools, seminars, courses and events throughout New Zealand, which cater for those wanting a brief introduction to inner healing, right through to those wanting to go deeper and learn how to become competent in prayer ministry in order to bring healing and restoration to others in their home, church and wider community.


The heart of Elijah House is to see families come into healing and restoration through the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, by the active working of the Word and the Spirit. Reconciling people to the heart of the Father and to one another is the centrepiece of this gospel work. Our mission and mandate (often referred to as ‘the Elijah Task’) is to train up and equip the body of Christ; to be ministers of reconciliation, hope and healing.

God declares His desire for reconciliation in Malachi 4:5-6 “…to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.”


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Prayer Ministry Training

Elijah House NZ is a Christian, not-for-profit Charitable Trust that trains people in prayer ministry.

Sanctification & TRANSFORMATION

Inner healing is a work of sanctification and transformation through the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is the process in which the Holy Spirit causes us to die daily on the cross and live in the new life we have in Christ. Transformation is the fruit of sanctification in which the Holy Spirit replaces and transforms our shame for His glory; our weakness for His strength, brokenness for wholeness, bondage for freedom, deserts to gardens and curses to blessings. We are changed from one degree of glory to another, into His likeness (2 Cor 3:18). At Elijah House we appropriate the power of the name of Jesus and His blood, the cross of Christ and His resurrection to those deep wounds and fallen practices still hidden in our hearts, setting us free to walk as God intended when He created us anew in Christ.


Our desire is to see an army of medics raised up throughout New Zealand, to see at least three to four confident, competent prayer ministers available in every congregation.

Our aim is for our graduates to become people who listen well, learn to identify root issues and core wounds, and see how those roots and wounds affect people in their present day lives and to become adept at identifying negative patterns, bad ‘fruit’, judgements, inner vows, lies and bitter-root expectations.


Our History

Elijah House had its beginnings in the USA in 1973 through founders John and Paula Sandford. It has developed into a global ministry with eleven member countries including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Austria, Finland, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines and Guam.

The first Elijah House NZ school was held in August 1996 in Birkenhead, Auckland. Since then, we have held hundreds of schools all throughout our land.


A Word For Aotearoa New Zealand

(The Lord is saying) It is not without reason that I have called you the land of the long white cloud—as clouds are important. There was a cloud by day and a fire by night over Israel. Jesus will come in the clouds.

(Our God,) You are going to call this land, purify this land; you’re going to make it a testimony and a fire among the nations. You are going to send people from here—missionaries—not just to convert, but missionaries who will bring a ministry of reconciliation and healing—particularly, You are going to move among the native, the Maori People. You are going to move in them, going to awaken them. Yes, I see that You’re going to awaken the Māori people and call them forth, call them to stand, and the Christian haka will be a fearsome thing in (spiritual) warfare. You’re going to call them to stand for reconciliation among brothers and sisters; You’re going to call them to travel around the world bringing reconciliations.

We thank You Lord Jesus—thank you Lord. You’re letting me know that every person here, whatever degree of faith or stature, is a part of Your ministry for healing of this land. That You have called them and it is not by chance that they came, but You have called them, and You will lay on them the burden of intercession in the coming days and weeks. Lord, I pray that you will lift away confusion from that because they are going to feel things and think ‘what is the matter with me?’ and help them to know You’re just sharing the burden of this land with them and they are feeling the burden of this nation.

I just know in my spirit there is going to come a very powerful thing that happens here as part of the renewal through all the nations—that this will be a centre out of which shall come renewal, reconciliation and healing throughout the world. I thank You Lord.   (Spoken 2001)

John Loren Sandford

Co-Founder , Elijah House Ministries


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